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Law Office of Dana Baker, P.C.

Schedule Your Free 15-Minute Phone Consultation (979) 865-0000

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In the context of Texas law, how does a Marital Trust work to protect assets and ensure the financial well-being of a surviving spouse?

Marital trusts play a pivotal role in estate planning, especially for affluent parties, acting as a strategy to lessen the estate tax impact by leveraging estate tax exemptions. Through the strategic use of a marital trust, a married duo in Texas can markedly diminish or entirely sidestep estate taxes. The Law Office of Dana Baker can guide you through this process, ensuring that the surviving spouse benefits from consistent income and financial security from the trust. Furthermore, this approach safeguards assets within the family lineage and secures the inheritance designated for offspring from prior unions. For specialized assistance, reach out to the Law Office of Dana Baker at 979-310-5507.

Dana Baker, Esq.

My goal is to be your trusted advisor who helps you make the
very best personal, financial, legal, and business decisions
for your family and your business throughout your lifetime
Call Us Now - (979) 310-5507

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