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Law Office of Dana Baker, P.C.

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What are the differences between a Medical Power of Attorney and a Durable Power of Attorney in Texas?

At the Law Office of Dana Baker in Texas, we emphasize the importance of powers of attorney as a fundamental aspect of estate and emergency planning. These legal instruments enable a designated individual to act on your behalf for specific matters. However, with a variety of forms and applications, navigating through them can sometimes turn straightforward documents into a source of confusion, leading some to uncertainly about the appropriate legal form required.

Key Distinction

It’s crucial to understand that both types of powers of attorney retain their validity even if the principal becomes incapacitated. The significant distinction lies in their scope of authority: a durable power of attorney grants an agent the power to manage financial affairs for the principal, while a medical power of attorney is exclusively for making healthcare decisions. For further guidance, you can reach us at the Law Office of Dana Baker at 979-310-5507.

Dana Baker, Esq.

My goal is to be your trusted advisor who helps you make the
very best personal, financial, legal, and business decisions
for your family and your business throughout your lifetime
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