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Law Office of Dana Baker, P.C.

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How can we include or exclude spousal support in prenuptial and postnuptial in Texas?

Prenuptial agreements are becoming a standard part of marriage planning, especially as individuals are marrying later in life with significant assets and incomes. These agreements serve as an important safeguard for one’s financial well-being. Crafting a prenuptial agreement requires expertise and understanding of what can be included, what must be included, and what is strictly prohibited. Any missteps in including necessary elements or incorporating prohibited clauses can invalidate the agreement.

Should you find yourself reviewing a prenuptial agreement before marriage, it’s crucial to consult with a legal professional. An attorney can review the document for any missing elements or illegal inclusions. While some jurisdictions restrict certain clauses, such as alimony waivers, Texas law permits these provisions within prenuptials. As long as the alimony clause and the rest of the agreement comply with legal standards, the prenup is deemed valid and is enforceable in court. This contrasts with other regions where alimony waivers are often contested and may not be legally recognized.

To ensure a prenuptial agreement is both valid and enforceable, it’s advisable to work with a competent attorney. At the Law Office of Dana Baker, we specialize in drafting prenuptial agreements that meet our clients’ needs while adhering to legal standards. With our expertise, drafting your prenup can be a smoother and more efficient process. For expert legal guidance in Texas, contact us at 979-310-5507.

Dana Baker, Esq.

My goal is to be your trusted advisor who helps you make the
very best personal, financial, legal, and business decisions
for your family and your business throughout your lifetime
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